Efforts in Saving Energy
JEL has been actively involved in energy saving efforts with consideration for the domestic energy situation.

- We remove unnecessary fluorescent lights.
- We turn out all the lights during break time.
- We set up lighting windows in a roof and turn off a light.
- We have a light-out-switch that turns off all the lights at once and we do not fail to turn off the lights.
- We set up all the computer we use in the company at an energy-saving setting.
- We turn off the computer monitor when we leave our desk.
- We carry out afforestation around a company building to reduce the heat-island effect.
- We are wearing polo shirts in the office during summer for "Cool Biz”, energy-saving campaign.
- We use groundwater and sprinkle water around the building during summer.
- We make a thorough effort not to do overtime work and to use all the paid holidays and vacation time.
We started operation of a solar power plant to promote clean energy.
(JEL Kohci:0.5 megawatt solar power plant; Head Office:51.2 kilowatt solar power plant)

March 22, 2013
JEL Corporation